Ernst Biersack

Ernst Biersack studied Computer Science at the Technische Universität München and at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his Dipl. Inform. (M.S.) and Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.) degrees in Computer Science from the Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, and his Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches from the University of Nice, France.

From March 1989 to February 1992 he was a Member of Technical Staff with the Computer Communications Research Group of Bell Communications Research, Morristown, US.

From March 1992 to mid 2014 he was a Professor at Eurecom, in Sophia Antipolis, France. While being with Eurecom, Ernst Biersack has made numerous contributions to the design and the analysis of large scale systems. The most notable ones are:

    • Demonstration of the superior performance and scalability of forward error correction for reliable multicast (with J. Nonnenmacher and D. Towsley)
    • Optimal feedback suppression in large scale reliable multicast (with J. Nonnenmacher)
    • Parallel download for load balancing and latency reduction (with P. Rodriguez)
    • Dissecting BitTorrent: First long term study that demonstrates the superior performance of BitTorrent (with M. Izal, G. Urvoy-Keller, P. Felber, A. Al Hamra, and L. Garces-Erice)
    • LAS (least attained service) scheduling in routers to improve loss and latency performance of short TCP flows (with I. Rai, G. Urvoy-Keller and M. Vernon)
    • High performance crawler for the KAD peer-to-peer system to explore the entire KAD system with several million peers in less than 10 minutes (with M. Steiner)
    • Debunking myths about Second Life (with M. Varvello and Chr. Diot)
    • Hierarchical codes for efficient repair in peer-to-peer systems (with A. Duminuco)
    • Making regenerating codes practical for peer-to-peer systems (with A. Duminuco)
    • Use of the inframetric model to design a highly accurate distributed nearest server selection protocol (with Y. Fu and Y. Wang)



Synchronization in Video Servers (1996) : Outstanding Paper Award of the IEEE Conference on Multimedia Computing & Systems (together with W. Geyer).

Reliable Multicast (1999) : 1999 William R. Bennett Price Paper Award of the IEEE for the best original paper published 1998 in the ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking (together with J. Nonnenmacher and D. Towsley).

Scalable Content Distribution in the Internet (2000) : Prix de la Recherche 2000 de L'Association Telecom Valley for outstanding research in the field of scalable Internet technologies (together with P. Rodriguez)

Peer-to-Peer Networks (2003) : NGC/ICQT Best Paper Award for the best paper of the Networked Group Communication Conference (together with L. Garces, K. Ross, P. Felber and G. Urvoy-Keller).

Overlay Networks (2006) : Best Student Paper Award for the best paper of the IEEE Globecom 2006 (together with D. Carra and R. Lo Cigno).

Peer to Peer Backup Systems (2008) : Best Paper Award for the best paper of the IEEE International Conference in Peer-to-Peer Computing 2008 (together with A. Duminuco).

TMA (2015) : Best Paper Award for the best paper of the 7th Intern. Workshop on Traffic Monitoring 2015 (together with Johann Schlamp, Ralph Holz, Oliver Gasser, Andreas Korsten, Quentin Jacquemart and Georg Carle).